Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Solving /safehaus/jug/jug/2.0.0-osgi Maven build error

Couple days ago I was working on upgrading MuleESB and Maven to versions 3.2 and 3 (respectively). When I swapped Maven 2.2 fro new version and tried to build one of my Mule project, I got the following error:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 9.070s
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Aug 29 11:13:16 CDT 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 7M/121M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project mobileproxyrouter: Could not resolve dependencies for proj ect com.abcfinancial.mule:mobileproxyrouter:mule:1.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies for [com.sun.jersey:jersey-server:jar:1.3 (provided), com.sun.jersey:jersey-json:jar:1.3 (provided), com .sun.jersey:jersey-client:jar:1.3 (compile), com.sun.jersey:jersey-core:jar:1.3 (provided), org.mule .modules:mule-module-cxf:jar:3.1.0 (compile), org.mule.transports:mule-transport-vm:jar:3.1.0 (compi le), org.mule.transports:mule-transport-http:jar:3.1.0 (compile), org.mule.modules:mule-module-xml:j ar:3.1.0 (compile), javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:jar:2.1 (compile), (compile), (compile), com.abcfinancial .rest.api:InternalInterface:jar:1.8.0-SNAPSHOT (compile), net.sf.flexjson:flexjson:jar:2.0 (compile) , (compile), lities:jar:1.0 (compile), org.mule.tests:mule-tests-functional:jar:3.1.0 (test), org.mule.modules:mu le-module-client:jar:3.1.0 (test), org.mule.modules:mule-module-scripting:jar:3.1.0 (test), org.mule .tools:maven-mule-plugin:jar:1.4 (compile)]: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.safehaus.jug :jug:jar:asl:2.0.0-osgi: Could not transfer artifact org.safehaus.jug:jug:pom:2.0.0-osgi from/to jbo ss ( Access denied to: fehaus/jug/jug/2.0.0-osgi/jug-2.0.0-osgi.pom, ReasonPhrase:Forbidden. -> [Help 1]
So I started digging Internet to see how I can solve it. The solution turned out to be quite simple. The mirror to the public repository should be added to you local .m2 settings.xml file. Add the following lines, and run the project. No errors...
        <name>JBoss Public Nexus Repository</name>

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